The great Gallic league. J. Dassié. Page 21.


Route d'Antonin . Collection of predetermined routes.
Example: " Iter has BURDIGALA AUGUSTODUNUM ", giving the list of the points and the distances between Bordeaux and Autun, by Saintes, Poitiers, Bourges and Decize, in 16 stations. It appears to date from the beginning of the III e century and comprises very frequent errors of recopies.
Table of Peutinger .
Medieval document in 12 panels, preserved at the Austrian national library, Vienna. Last recopy of a Roman document of I er to the III e century, with posterior additions, representing the whole of the routes of the world known towards Rome. There is nos cale. Only are illustrated the principal cities and intermediate stages with indication of the distances. It includes/understands many errors, either on the nature of the units used, or born from the successive recopies of the values. We use the reproduction of Von Scheib, 1753, segm. I, with checking of certain points directly on the original of the Table, at the laboratory of ÖsterreichischeNationalbibliothek of Vienna.
Ray curvimetric.
The layouts of the ways always do not follow the straight line and to find the point of result of a certain distance starting from a point of origin, it is more rational to use a curvometer. The historical localizations often require to check that a hypothetical point P is well at the distances D1 and D2 of undeniable reference marks. The position of P is with the intersection of two arcs of circles traced with R1 and R2 like rays. The best precision will be obtained by taking as ray R the length given by the layout curvimetric of the distance D, carried out either on the hypothetical path, or on a close advance, of a similar relief. It is this length which we call " ray curvimetric ". R is generally smaller than D.
The metric one of a way is a physical size indirectly measured through modern cartographic document or of a corrected air photograph. It expresses the distance between remarkable topographic points, regularly spaced with the length of this voie.Ces points were born from phenomena of accretion around the site ancient stakes distance.
Modulate of distance.
The module of distance from away is a size determined starting from old documents. Representing the modern metric value of the unit ofdistance used, it is obtained by dividing the curvimetric distance between two points identified well by the indication of distance between these points. This value can be different from that possibly announced or presupposed in the text.
Topographic remanence.
Method of determination of the seniority of a way, by search on map of points geographical, topographic or administrative remarkable. These points are characterized by a spacing corresponding to a unit of ancient distance: the metric one of this way. This form of determination applies particularly to the Gallic and Roman ways.


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