Aerial archaeology J. Dassie.
Gallo-roman 2. Barzan.
Gallo-roman 2, Barzan, CM.
BARZAN CM, "Le Moulin du Fâ". Air
photography shows the circular base plate of the temple, but also the
double peribolus, with its rooms and its interior colonnade.
Photographs taken in 1976. © J.
BARZAN CM, "Le Moulin du
Fâ". The excavations of Pierre AUPERT
and ASSA BARZAN reveal the hidden columns. More than 20 years ran out
since preceding photography. © J. Dassié
BARZAN CM, the Large
Avenue, the horrea and, at the bottom, the peribolus of the
temple. We are in the heart of the Gallo-Roman city of "
© J.Dassié
BARZAN CM, the "Temple de La Garde". Opposed to the
"Moulin du Fâ", at the end of the Large Avenue, the "Temple de
la Garde" is revealed by the differential maturation of cereals. © J. Dassié
BARZAN CM The Treasury aera. Photograph of 1975 showing
the network of the internal ways and a district of dwelling.
Confirmed in 1998 and 1999 by the prospections geophysics and the
excavations of the La Rochelle university.
This crossroads of old ways is connected perfectly with
the Gallo-Roman ways segments, highlighted by the air photographs of
" Novioregum ". .
BARZAN CM, Le Moulin du Fâ. Deadened under stars
and illuminated, the temple still enchants its
© J. Dassié