The great Gallic league. J. Dassié. Page 12.
The Milliary column of Antigny (Vienne)
The milliary column of Hadrian is located on the Poitiers-Bourges road, and carries the indications : FIN (ibus) VII LIM (onum) XIV. Grenier, 1934, p 99. It is localised with the Joumé locality, with the crossing of D 9 and the Way of the Romans, between Saint-Savin and Chauvigny. Ingrandes is on N 151, for Bourges, to approximately 50 km of Poitiers.
MILESTONE OF "ANTIGNY". C.I.L.N° 8938 / 375.
Localities indicated |
FIN (ibus)
| LIM (onum) | Position limits |
Modern name | Ingrandes N 151 | Poitiers | Joumé / D9 |
Displayed units: " L(eugas) " | VII | XIV | |
Distance if LR = 2222 m
| 15,6 km | 31,1 km | 0 km |
Distance if LG = 2450 m
| 17,1 km | 34,3 km | 0 km |
Curvimetric distance | 16,5 km | 34,3 km | 0 km |
Results: |
Agreement league of 2450 meters
Agreement league of 2450 meters
| |
MILESTONE OF "TROUY" (CHER). C.I.L.N° 8940 / 367
Localities indicated | | AVARICUM |
Modern name | St Florent | Bourges |
| Ingrandes |
Indications: " L(eugas) " | | VII | XVIII | LIIII |
Distance LR = 2222 m
| 0 km | 15,5 km | 40,0 km | 120,0 km |
Distance LG = 2450 m
| 0 km | 17,1 km | 44,1 km | 132,3 km |
Curvimetric distance | 0 km | 16,5 km | 44,0 km | 131,5 km |
Results: | Agreement | Agreement | Agreement |
It is the league of 2450 meters which represents the module of distance being reproduced on this milestone. Fines are located at Ingrandes, the bridge on Anglin, between St Savin and Le Blanc, on road N 151, for Poitiers.
Complementary source : the Table of Peutinger counts XX miles from Poitiers until Fines of Ingrandes, on N 151.The curvimetric distance, from the Clain's bridge to the Anglin's bridge, is of 49,3 km, which makes well XX leagues of 2,45 km and confirms at the same time the position of these Fines and the value of the unit used between Bourges and Poitiers, like its continuity between the two cities.
The object of this study relating to the existence of the great Gallic league, this engraving on the milliary column of Trouy constitutes an irrefutable demonstration of it. |
Always starting from the quotations of A.Grenier (1934), evoking Chénon, page 92, the table takes again the elements quantified concerning the milestone of Trouy. This milestone is very interesting because it carries triple inscription of distance and allows a spectacular demonstration of the method. It was not found in place, but its inscriptions, perfectly restored by Chénon, allow a accurate localization : the bridge on the Cher, with Saint-Florent-sur-Cher.
Coulon (1997) evokes, without numerical demonstration, a recent study locating this terminal with 6Km of Sancoins, on the Bourges-Autun way. It would be necessary in this case, to admit that this milestone was moved until Trouy, on 50 km , by crossing 6 rivers (with changes of bearing?) and 2 Roman ways
Assumption well not very probable where as the distance Trouy-St Florent is of 6 km,without major obstacles. This last displacement is infinitely more plausible. Independently of the numerical difficulties of justifications of this proposal, we retain without reserves the explanation of E. Chénon (Bib.)..